Strange Days and… a Birthday!

Hi all,

This time, no apologies for not blogging recently. The world has gone quite mad.

Me Humans seem to have stopped going to work for no apparent reason. They are very gloomy and continually watching the ABC news channel, what’s that all about?

I do seem to be getting more walks than usual but it’s funny, the streets are nearly empty and when we do pass another dog walking his Human they make sure they pass each other so wide apart that us dogs don’t even get a chance to sniff and greet!

And whats with these toy bears appearing everywhere when you go out for ya walks?

On me walks in to Fremantle I have seen more cruise ships than I thought existed. Me Humans tell me there are a lot of sick people on board.

Another thing, all me Humans have suddenly developed a need to wash their hands all the time with some nasty smelling squirty-onny substance. They even use some cloth thingy to wipe down the groceries as they are unpacked.

If its about trying not to get sick then maybe there is a big upside to living in Perth, the most isolated city on the planet.

Anyway, it’s me birthday!! So to cheer me Humans up here are a few pickies from today and previous birthdays.

3 Years old! Germany 2015
Perth, Western Australia 2016
Down at the local park. Can ya guess me age?

And now for me 8th birthday here in Fremantle!

For me? And a prezzy too!

Smells yum!
You always gotta love a ball for ya birthday eh?

A big thank you to all the Humans and Dogs working on the front line in our supermarkets, in health and protecting our borders.

Hang in there and stay safe.


Where Have I Been?

Hi all out there in blogland! Apologies for not doing me regular weekly blog. There are a couple of reasons for that.

Firstly to follow on from me blog from before Christmas where someone nicked our windows.

Now all our furniture has gone, not to mention me blog computer!

I’m banished to the backyard or Curly-Human’s bedroom but I can hear stuff happening, banging and bashing.

From the times I’ve escaped to check out me borders I can tell things are not going to end well…

Why are there cushions stuffed on the ceiling? Just sayin…

Even the roof sounds like it’s going to crash in at any moment…

I Know, I know, me Humans have explained to me that it’s the house being renovated but come on guys, seems more destruction than renovation! I want all me stuff back!

The second reason is we have had visitors just before the renovation started. Grumpy-Human’s brother was in town. They are both celebrating being 60 years old. I don’t get it either but apparently it’s something about being born 11 months and 3 weeks apart, go figure! Anyway I will blog more on that when I get full access to me (er.. I mean me Humans) blog computer again.

More soon


Chinese New Year

Hi All and Xīnnián kuàilè (Happy New Year)!

Tonight we are having a few friends over to celebrate Chinese New Year. My family lived in China for four years back before I was born so I’ve only seen the pictures. From what I have heard from me humans though they loved their time in Shanghai and still miss it very much. Curly and Princess Human even went to an International School (Rainbow Bridge) inside the Shanghai Zoo! They still talk about the grunts and roars from the animals that you could hear from in the class room. Wish I was there.

We are getting Hot Pot, one of me favs as there is always loads of yummy left overs for me to score later and of course with Human guests over they are such a pushover for treats under the table if you just sidle up to em and rest ya chin on their knee! One of me many tricks I’ve learned over the years. Any of you dog readers out there should check out me handy tips for getting Human food here.

Here are a few fireworks from my family’s time in Shanghai during Chinese New Year. Enjoy!

See ya soon


A Working Mother

Me and me Humans were down at our local dog beach a while back. While playing with mates… errr… I mean the ball… I overheard a touching story in a conversation between Boss-Human and another lady.

One of the dogs pestering me it turns out is the son of a real working border collie unlike us lazy layabouts. I’ll just call his mother Madre. Madre had nine puppies, including Digger, tucked away in a safe place on her farm.

During the night and morning she would look after her puppies in total secrecy. During the day she would sneak off and work the sheep on the farm as normal. Her Humans never even knew she was pregnant, let alone looking after her brood and working the farm!

Not sure if it’s a true story or not as you would think the farmer Humans would have noticed her getting a little chubby but the human telling the story insisted it’s true.

Anyway, in my mind, the prize for Best Working Mother ever has to go to Madre, a border collie, a solo mum with nine children and a full time job!

Take Care


A Rock n Roll Dog

Happy New Year!

It may surprise you guys to learn that I am quite fond of music, in particular Rock music. One of me favs is “Who Let The Dogs Out“ by Baha Men, a bit of a cliché for us dogs I know but you gotta like such deeply meaningful lyrics as:

Who let the dogs out
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof
Who let the dogs out
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof
Who let the dogs out
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof
Who let the dogs out

Checkout the classic original video on YouTube here, its brilliant, especially the dog shots

Anyway, movin on, another great band I’m a great fan of is AC/DC and my absolute favourite is their song “Highway to Hell” and I have a story for you about that later. Check out the original music video on YouTube

But did you know there is a connection with this song to me adopted home of Perth, Western Australia? I bet ya didn’t know that the road “Highway to Hell “ is real and is the nickname for a road near to my house called “Canning Highway”.

The reason? Bon Scott AC/DC’s frontman grew up around Fremantle. Sadly he died back in the ancient history days of the 1980’s. Released in 1979 “Highway to Hell” was the final album Scott worked on. He would often walk from Fremantle along Canning Highway via the Leopold Hotel and on to the Raffles Hotel, both of which in their day hosted some truly legendary performances from AC/DC amongst others.

Canning Highway a.k.a. Highway to Hell stretches from the Containbow in Fremantle (see my blog on that iconic fixture) all the way to the Art Deco Raffles Hotel and beyond.

Whats a dog have to do to get a beer around here eh?

Now the fun bit I’m dying to tell you guys and especially anyone planning to be in the Perth region in March, 2020 is, as part of the Perth Festival, the southern part of Canning Highway (one of the busiest roads in Perth) will be closed to cars .

This Highway to Hell will be transformed into a 10km entertainment strip as a tribute to AC/DC. There will be live bands some featuring AC/DC and other music of the 1980s towed along on flatbed trailers. I hear there may even be a reunion of one of my other favourite 1980s Perth bands the Jam Tarts. I would love that!

Check out those Eighties dance moves!

There will be roving performers, food and markets along with plenty of dog friendly space for picnics too. More info on the festival here.

I can’t wait and of course next March I will post me pickies and tell you guys that can’t make it, all about the day!

Now while I’m no fan of Yoda dog costumes… can someone get me an AC/DC shirt that fits me! Maybe on that day someone will be selling em…, himmm…, wait… I feel a market opportunity coming on.


The Mystery of the Missing Windows

Someone stole the window! I told you guys something was happening. Ya shouldn’t have locked me out the back, this is what happens when the Border Collie is unable to protect the borders…

Me windows have been nicked!
Nine of em, all gone! Boy those thieves were really good…

[Human Editor] Ralph, don’t get your paws in a twist… these guys are repairing our ancient sash windows. They are in a sorry state you would agree? Before we couldn’t even open them and you get very hot on these Aussie summer days.

Ok Ok, now I get it Humans and I must say Jack and Luke did a fantastic job so a well-deserved Christmas plug has to go to the team at Sealasash Perth!

Oh, and ya might want to get some new blinds now that the windows are nice and white… just sayin…


The Duyfken

Recently Grumpy-Human has been “getting healthy” on some new crusade of his. He has taken to dragging me along on these exercising treks. Now normally I’m up for a walk even two a day but come on, 6:30am! I’m not a morning dog!

This morning’s walk took us to an area of Perth I’m not very familiar with: South of Perth Yacht Club and the Canning River foreshore. But honestly it turned out to be a fantastic walk and so many humans and dogs out walking too, I felt guilty for my reticence at getting up so early! And look its cloudy, we like cloudy, that means cool, not HOT weather, first in a couple of weeks!

Anyway, to me story, the big thing was coming across this really ancient old ship. And it has an interesting story all of its own. The ship is called the Duyfken, well a full size replica of the original ship that last sailed over 400 years ago.

Its claim to fame is a little known fact that it made the first recorded European contact with Australia in 1606. Most Australians believe that Dirk Hartog was the first European to set foot in Australia (some even think it was Captain Cook) but this is simply not true.

That looks serious

Captain Willem Janszoon of the Dutch East India Company sailed the Duyfken from Indonesia south east looking for gold in New Guinea. They came across an unknown land but never realised it was in fact a new continent, the island continent of Australia.

It wasn’t until Captain Cook charted Australia 170 years later that the land was recognised as a new continent and not part of Asia or another Indonesian island.

Sadly the Duyfken crew were also the first Europeans to come in contact with Australian Aborigines and it didn’t end well… A bloody conflict ensued and lives were lost on both sides. Not a great start to relations between the two peoples. Perhaps there should have been some European dogs on board, they could have met their Australian Dingo counterparts and showed the Humans how meet and greet is properly done.

Time for a swim then…

Today the Duyfken is used to educate Australia about this long forgotten chapter in its history. It does school trips and tours around the Swan River but has sailed as far away as Europe, dog it doesn’t look big enough for that, count me out of that adventure!

For those interested in finding out more check out the Duyfken website here.


Ralph Yoda Walker

Yep, it’s that time of year. The Chrissie Tree is up and I still do not understand why Humans hang perfectly good balls from the tree. I think I might sneak out here tonight and get me one of these…

Now Ralph Yoda Walker what? I hear you ask. Well it’s me full name alright… Well like you Humans I’m a bit embarrassed by me middle name if I’m honest.

I know it should have been on me passport but me Humans were a bit forgetful when filling in the form, lucky for me!

The Yoda came from me ears which me Humans thought were particularly Yoda like in me Puppy Days.


I am continually teased by me Humans for Yoda. Never ceases to make em laugh! I might just let the word out that Curly-Humans middle name is ….

Guess Who?
Yep its me, oh the embarrassment

So as usual while Curly-Human was out Christmas shopping she spotted something funny and had to buy it… this doggy Yoda costume… And there you have it! Another Christmas… Another Costume for Ralph

This is what I think!

See ya soon


I Miss Europe

These past few days have seen some pretty hot weather here in Perth, yesterday it was 42C (108F for you old school types). I hate it, I was born in Ireland so this is not natural to me. I have no Dingo, Australian Kelpie or Australian Cattle Dog in me to help. I hold my DNA test up as evidence of that!

So I just don’t cope well with hot weather.

To make matters worse, me Humans are renovating the house so we have NO air-conditioning! I know, I know, me wolf ancestors never had AC either and they survived. But no I’m not soft alright, they didn’t live in Australia.

Me Humans do understand and hose me down or take me to the beach to cool off which is great.

Now I hear some of you Northern Hemisphere dogs saying I have it way to good, mutter mutter as you suffer through winter! But I say NO. it’s not enough peoples! Where is the snow I ask?

Just a few short years ago at this time of year here I was catching snow balls in Germany for Christmas!

Or chasing me ball in a snowy forest!

Or building snowdogs

Or having fun catching the balls falling from the sky. Never understood why they seem to disappear though when you catch em in ya mouth…

Enjoy your summer or your winter guys.

It is hot but it is an Australian summer after all! But please spare a thought for all the brave firefighters here in Australia battling the bush fires across the country. We even have firefighters helping from as far away as Canada!